Why use an RMM through Miltown Computer Services?

The different Remote Monitoring and Management tools aim to help to save time and money, but they don’t do anything and everything on their own. A hammer still needs someone to pick it up and drive that nail. Sending an automated alert to an email address doesn’t do anything until someone actually gets that email. Someone needs to manage these tools, read and respond to these emails.

We use these tools to everyday to automate as many tasks as we can. Some tasks need to be done on a regular basis, others need to be done once. Even those one-time tasks need to be checked from time to time. Time and time again people have told me, “but I set that already”, or “isn’t windows supposed to do that on its own?” In a perfect world, we wouldn’t have any problems. 

Let us install RMM tools and manage your systems. Let us put these tools to use for your benefit and automate as much as we can.

Managing systems begins with learning what needs to be done and forwarding that information to those who need it.

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